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When it’s time to renew, I’m going to close it down.  If you are a reader and you want continued access to my articles, request to be added to my subscriber list: No ads, nothing to buy, and no fees. I do reply to questions.

Americans Should Pray Gold Is Not Re-Valued  14 October 2024

Fording the River of Woke  12 October 2024

Playing To Win  8 October 2024

Erik’s Betting Line On Human Extinction  5 October 2024

Happy Hour In Woke-Ville  2 October 2024

“When I Think Back on all the Crap I Learned in High School—It’s a Wonder I Can Think at All”. Kodachrome—Paul Simon   29 September 2024

Elites Think They Can ‘Lord It Over Us’  27 September 2024

On the Eastside of Woke  22 September 2024

Where Is America on the Dupe-O-Meter? 17 September 2024

The Debate Served Notice—Liberty is on the Chopping Block  14 September 2024

55 Days Until The Future Gets Here  10 September 2014

History—A Moving Pen That Tells Lies  8 September 2024

The Big Game is On—For All the Marbles  3 September 2024

The Grapes of Wrath—Dying on the Vine  29 August 2024

Where’s America?—I Can’t Find It  26 August 2024

The ConMen Always Have A Job  21 August 2024

There is a Silver Lining—But Only For Some  17 August 2024

Question Everything—The Horror Has a Root-Cause  13 August 2024

Don’t Go Thinking You Know How This Plays-Out  9 August 2024

‘Your My First Uber-Ride Passenger—Ever’  2 August 2024

For the West—A Day of Reckoning Is at Hand   30 July 2024

Anything Is Better Than What We Have?  26 July 2024

Elites Are Elite—In Name Only  21 July 2024

With Donald Trump—What Exactly Do We Get?  18 July 2024

“Oh, the World Owes Me a Living”—Grasshopper And The Ant  15 July 2024

Buying Dimes In a World Where the Dollar Makes No Sense  13 July 2024

Let’s Get Real  9 July 2024

No More Mister Nice Guy  3 July 2024

“In Ceremonies of the Horsemen Even the Pawn Must Hold a Grudge”  29 June  2024

My Fear Is About How Bad It Could Get  26 June 2024

What If There Was No Pandemic?  23 June 2024

They Don’t Have To Take What Is Ours—If We Give It To Them  20 June 2024

What-cha Gonna Do When the Well Runs Dry?  13 June 2024

Lacking Self-Worth—They’re Running Scared  9 June 2024

Back When Political Speech Was Not A Crime  6 June 2024

The Plan to Destroy Imagination and Curiosity 3 June 2024

A New Declaration of Independence  30 May 2024

“Got Nowhere To Run—Got Nowhere To Hide”  26 May 2024

“Hey, Siri”  A Novel in Progress 16 May 2024

‘Unanswered Questions’—Replaced by ‘Unquestioned Answers’  15 May 2024

A Stroll Down ‘Constitution’ Avenue  10 May 2024

The Golden Mean  7 May 2024

“Hey, Siri”  6 May 2024  I’m uploading this new novel each Sunday—if I’ve made progress

You’re Right From Your Side And I’m Right From Mine Bob Dylan  4 May 2024

When What Was Once Fiction—Becomes Reality  2 May 2024

Conflict Doesn’t Create Character—It Exposes It  29 April 2024

There’s Men Going Around Taking Names  27 April 2024

Nobody’s Coming to Save US—We Have to Save Ourselves  22 April 2024

A Gold Standard Is Coming—Whether We Like It Or Not  19 April 2024

Will the US Go Down Without a Fight?  14 April 2024

A World—In the Grip of Madness  9 April 2024

“Who is This Man? Take Him Out and Shoot Him”  6 April 2024

US/Israeli Foreign Policy—Cut From the Same Cloth  6 April 2024

Government—As the Arbiter of Truth  24 March 2024

Elite Cures for Our Ills—Are ‘Blunt Force’ Trauma  20 March 2024

Russia:BRICS Need to Move Forward—Delicately  16 March 2024

We Are Not The Good Guys  11 March 2024

You Take The Blue Pill—The Story Ends  7 March 2024

Follow the Money—Or the Power?  4 March 2024

Be Surprised At Nothing—It’s All Been Done Before  29 February 2024

“1984”—Tells Our Story  25 February 2024

Will We Lose Our ‘Liberty’ To Elite ‘Control’?  21 February 2024

Our Prospects For Avoiding 3rd-Party Control  18 February 2024

Losing the Republic—Block by Block  14 February 2024

Putin is Talking—But Is the West Listening?  11 February 2024

The United States Constitution—A Museum Exhibit?  8 February 2024

Render Onto Caesar That Which is Caesar’s—And Nothing More  4  February 2024

Joe Biden—At War With The United States  31 January, 2024

The ‘Collectivists’ Have a Plan—Can We Stop It?  27 January 2024

Origins of the Coming Economic Crisis  24 January 2024

“I’ve Got You Under My Skin”—Frank Sinatra  19 January 2024

What Do We Have in Our Armory—To Stop the Elite?  16 January 2024

When Those Who Created the Problem—Try to Fix the Problem 11 January 2024

Living in the ‘Vestiges’ of What Was a Republic  10 January 2024

Putin’s Warning to the West—You Best Get Some Gold/Silver  5 January, 2024

Sowing Seeds On Scorched Earth  2 January 2024

When All Hope Lies in Hopelessness  28 December 2023

“If I Ran the Zoo”  26 December 2023

What Do Elites Have In-Store For Us?  20 December 2023

A Plan to Enslave Those Who Want to be ‘Left Alone’  19 December 2023

Elites Are Wrong About Everything—No Apology Is Scheduled  14 December 2023

While They Preach Diversity—No Critique Is Allowed  11December 2023

When There Is No Shame  6 December 2023

The Bill of Rights Isn’t Dead—It’s Just Being Ignored  1 December 1023

How the Hell Did We Get Here?  25 November 2023

‘Owe Nothing—Be Happy’  23 November 2023

In a World Where Economic Collapse is the Good News  15 November 2023

Running On Empty—Running Blind Jackson Browne  11November 2023

We Have Met the Enemy—And He Is Us  7 November 2023

All That Glitters—Is Not Gold. 2 November 2023

It’s Time to Choose—’Old’ or ‘New Testament’?  30 October 2023

It’s Not That People Don’t See it—They’re Okay With It  27 October 2023

‘Time-Lines’ Are the Enemy of the ‘Narrative’  25 October 2023

You Are Not The ‘Chosen People’  22 October 2023

How Many Among US Are Netanyahu’s Bitches?  16 October 2023

There Was Never a Plan to Include the Palestinians  13 October 2023

This Article Matters—Unless WW3 Breaks-Out in Jerusalem. 10 October 2023

What Comes First—The Chicken or the Egg?  7 October 2023

The Socialist Man is a Retrograde Human Being  1 October 2023

What Awaits Our Nation—Just Downstream   28 September 2023

An Oncological Nightmare Goes Unreported  24 September 2023

‘Opinions Are Threats’—We Are Not Allowed To Have Them. 20 September 2023

The Facts are In—But Delusion Persists. 15 September 2023

“Emergency—Please to Keep from Streets”. 12 September 2023

Government ‘End Runs’ Around American Rights—Are Illegal  4 September 2023

Community:Civility Was Our Bedrock—”And It’s Gone”  30 August 2023

Dusting Off Tainted Genocide Mandates—Here They Come Again. 27 August 2023

Do Democrats Realize What They’re Doing—Or What’s at Stake?  23 August 2023

The BRICS Are Coming For The Dollar 19 August 2023

They Destroyed Our Economy—Now They Want Our Souls  15 August 2023

Gender Affirmation—In a Nation of ‘Depraved Influencers’ 7 August 2023

A ‘2-Bit’ Fix. 4 August 2023

Assumptions Are What Do Us In. 30 July 2023

Without the 2nd Amendment—You Got Nothin. 26 July 2023

They Locked It Down—Now We Don’t Know How To Fix It. 22 July, 2023

‘Honest Money’ in World of ‘Dishonesty’ 16 July 2023

The Buck Stops Here—Is This the End of the Line?  10 July 2023

‘Pledging ‘Allegiance’—To What and to Whom?  7 July 2023

So, So Much is Unconstitutional. 3 July 2023

Where Courage is Vanquished—Everything is Subject to Betrayal  28 June 2023

The Dollar Is the Big Milkshake—And the US Is the Straw?  23 June 2023

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Coming For Us—They’re Running the Show. 22 June 2023

They’re Not Coming for Your Kids—They’re Here. 18 June 2023

From Russia—With Love. 15 June 2023

The Best Interest of the Patient is the Only Interest to be Considered  11 June 2023

A World War—Fought in a News Blackout  6 June 2023

The Deconstruction of the Republic. 3 June 2023

We Won’t Win This—At Best We Set It Back. 31 May 2023

Globalism and Nationalism—As Measured by Sovereignty  26 May 2023

When There Is No Middle To Be Found. 20 May 2023

Boxcars for the Un-Vaxxed—Separate Boxcars for the Un-Boosted. 18 May 2023

Without Extending Credit We Have to Default on Something  13 May 2023

“Shoot the Piano Player”  9 May 2023

If We Do To Them What They Do To Us—Do We Become Them?  7 May 2023

The ‘Collective’ Creeps Into the Armory—In Hushed But Measured Steps  2 May 2023

They Didn’t Fire Tucker—They Fired ‘Free Speech’. 30 April 2023

Brother Can You Spare a Dime?  25 April 2023

“Hey, Siri” Book 1  23 April 2023

Advocates for ‘Cancelling’ the 2nd Amendment are Delusional 23 April 2023

They Gave Us a Government—’With the Individual In Mind’ 17 April 2023

Trading Worthless Dollars for Goods and Services. 13 April 2023

A Layman’s Take On The Trump Indictment  10  April 2023

Long Covid—’My Ass’  8 April 2023

I’m Not Confused—I’m Scared  4 April 2023

The End of Times—As We Knew Them  30 March 2023

Unending Wars of Aggression—Amen 26 March 2023

The Gestapo Returns to Take Down The Nuremberg Code 22 March 2023

Get the Hell Out of Our Lives 19 March 2023

The Banking Crisis is Over—So We Don’t Need to Hold Gold? 19 March 2023

Joe Biden Dreams of American Glory—And ‘Dr.Strangelove’ 15 March 2023

It’s Not About Gold It’s About Real Stuff  11 March 2023

Bringing It All Back Home  7 March 2023

A Race Between Consciousness and Separation 5 February 2023

Free Markets/Free Speech Discover the Value For All Human Activity 3 March 2023

Equivocate—Equivocate—Equivocate  28 February 2023

When All the Dots Needing Connected Are In Motion 22 February 2023

We Lost the Right to Our Own Opinions in 400 BC 19 February 2023

The US Crime Family Runs It’s Extortion Racket on the World 14 February 2023

The ‘Vaccinated—As the ‘Betting-Line’ for ‘Probabilities of Thud’ 8 February 2023

Cormac McCarthy or Better—To Open 4 February 2023

Does Anyone Control the Levers of Power? 30 January 2023

Connect the Dots—Then Color-In the Picture 25 January 2023

Connect a Few Dots—And Suddenly They’re Everywhere  22 January 2023

They Mucked It Up—Now You’re Gonna Pay 18 January 2023

What If China and Russia Were Allowed to Tell Their Story? 16 January 2023

8th Graders—Given the Right Questions—Would See Through the Lies  11 January 2023

Can A President Negotiate a Treaty To End The Bill of Rights? 4 January 2023

What Role Do FDA:CDC:NIH:WHO Play In Our Lives? 1 January 2023

Are We the Same Or Are We Different? 30 December 2022

The Case For Alex Jones  26 December 2022

What Do We Do About Feds and States Interfering In Our Rights? 23 December 2022

‘Mandates’ and ‘Mandatory’—Share the Same Root  19 December 2022

Following the Yellow-Brick Road in Silver Slippers 14 December 2022

Freedom as a Half-Measure  12 December 2022

It’s Not About Ukraine—It’s About The Debt  9 Dec 2022

The Trashing of the 14th Amendment  7 Dec 2022

Locked-Down Digital Central Bank Currency as a Civil-Asset Forfeiture Scheme   4 Dec 2022

The Good Samaritan Walks Right On By 1 December 2022

All That Stands Between You and Slavery is A Dollar Bill  26 November 2022

The Elite Reserves the Right ‘To Refuse Service to Anyone’ 23 November 2022

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident 21 November 2022

Back in the Day, I Was a Liberal Democrat—Try to Find One Now 19 November 2022

Will ‘White’ Conservatives Allow Themselves to be Cancelled? 15 November 2022

Most of What Gets Reported About China Is Rhetoric and BS 12 November 2022

No One is Safe in the Same Room With the US 10 November 2022 

My China Article Has to Wait—More Economic Muck to Wade Thru 7 November 2022

What About China?—But There’s Muck to Wade Through FirstCome Summer—6 November 2022

“All (Will Be) Quiet on the Western Front” 3 November 2022

When Did We Vote for Un-Elected Fed, CDC, FDA, FBI, HS, CIA, WEF? 30 October 2022

Waking Up—In Milton Friedman’s Nightmare 26 October 2022

A Planet and a Constitution—At Risk for Extinction 23 October 2022

Has Pharma Become ‘Murder For Profit’?—16 October 2022

A Vote For Biden Is A Vote For Nuclear War —11 October 2022

Here’s What’s Happening To Our Good Docs—October 2022

The US Picked the Place—Putin Picked the Time—October 2022

Klaus Gets Ready to Take on the Russian Howitzers —October 2022

Don’t Piss Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining—September 2022

Deflation Cannot Fix Out of Control Inflation— 9 September 2022

Credit Creation is Ending—And It Won’t Be Pretty— 7 September 2022

Is Trump a Deer in the Headlights? —2 September 2022

Even the Gods Will Not Forgive Them— 26 August 2022

Ukraine is Our Proxy War Before Our War Between the States— 22 August 2022

Economists Talking Geo-Politics Often Sound Like Dangerous Idiot-Savants 18 August 2022

Between Now and Spring—Is This Our New ‘Valley Forge’?—14 August 2022

Nobody Likes a Tyranny and China is One—However… —11 August 2022

The Invasion of the Body Snatchers—A 1956 Film Becomes Reality—August 2022

Using the Bill of Rights to Sort-Out Our Political Nightmare—July 2022

The West Plans to Achieve Net-Zero by Killing-Off Its Populace—July 2022 

Another Look Back at COVID—In Anger—July 2022

A Look Back In Anger—At Covid—July 2022

The Western World—An Exercise in Self-Cancellation—July 2022

California—The Golden State Has Lost It’s Luster—July 2022

A Tale of 2 Cities—And a World

Repression or Depression?—One of Each, Please

Are There (In Fact) No Fact Checkers Concerned With Facts_

Malthusians on the March—They Are Coming For You

The Economy—This Must Be Where The End Begins

Banning Hate Speech Renders All Speech Hateful